About the Company

АО "НПП "Медикон"

Company profile:

Activities of the JSC Research and Production Enterprise Medicon 
80% — R&D in the field of 5th generation gyroscope development
18% — manufacture of medical systems and devices
2% — development and manufacture of temperature sensors, etc. 


Company mission

Development of hi-tech gyroscopes and medical products competitive with the products of domestic and foreign companies.

Goals and tasks

Development and manufacture of products for civil application based on scientific and production experience, gained during R&D works on special themes.
Strategic activities of the company are defined by gyroscopic and medical technology fields, which is reflected in the name Medicon standing for “Medicine” and “Conversion”.

Main activities of the JSC Research and Production Enterprise Medicon

The implementation of R&D in the fields of high technologies with the further set up of manufacture of competitive products.